The Future of Mage Tower Development

Hey guys it’s Brett Brimmer and I hope you like the new website! This site is to be used as a resource for existing Mage Tower players and to help the game move forward into the future. So what is the future of Mage Tower?  Let’s begin…

First, Let’s Recap The Past!

Mage Tower raised over $20,000 on Kickstarter in 2012 and 2013, which was then used to publish and release the game in early 2013. Getting the game finished and published was one of the most difficult things I’ve done, but it all worked out in the end! It has received positive reviews and sold over 1300 copies online and in game stores worldwide.

The Future!

Let’s go over the timeline of what I’d like to make happen!

#1 Get More People Playing Mage Tower and Improve the Mage Tower Community

I have several plans of action to make this happen. This website is the first one, and it will allow players to learn about the game and talk about it in the forums. It will also help get more people buying and playing the game.

Next, I plan to to create some variant rules and solo/cooperative play setups.  This means players will have a fresh way to play the game using modern rules I’ve been testing in the Mage Tower App.  It will also allow solo and co-op players to have definitive recommended challenges to overcome together.  When these rules are released they will be free for download, and I will send a printed copy with every future Mage Tower game.  (They’ll be printed on normal white paper in black and white so you can print them yourself at home for free and have the same thing!)

#2 Develop The Mage Tower Digital App

The digital version of Mage Tower is actually very far along in development. You can play against a computer AI player with over 100 old and new cards. It was under active development and beta testing for over a year and a half, and works great. The plan is to resume development and get people playing the app and talking about it in the forums again.  Development of the app will just be for fun right now.

#3 Decide If A New Product Or Next Step Is Possible

From there, who knows? A digital release of the Mage Tower app?  A physical expansion for the game?  Anything is possible!  For now, the plan is to use this web site as a resource for Mage Tower information, develop the app, talk on the forums, and see where things go from there.  Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have fun playing the game!  🙂

-Brett Brimmer